Everything you need to know about melatonin

From the risks no one talks about to the natural hacks that can help you ditch the supplements

Stars Insider

22/04/24 | StarsInsider


Sleep has become an increasingly troublesome issue for people over the past years, what with our endlessly whirring brains and blue-light screens always by our sides. Though some people wish they didn’t need to sleep at all, the circadian process of turning off and recharging for a full eight hours is essential to our everyday lives—from our physical health to our moods, and even to our productivity, which is ironically why so many people struggle to get enough z’s in the first place.

More and more, people are turning to melatonin supplements. You might have tried it already, or someone might have told you about it, but while it’s easy to take, not many people know enough about it before popping them before bed.

Click through to learn everything you need to know about the over-the-counter sleep aid, as well as some tips to help stimulate your natural production of melatonin.

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